diumenge, 5 de maig del 2019

Silent Solitude

The other day in class they told us to chose a song and make an abstract artwork inspiring us on one artist of this movement.

Abstract representation of Silent Solitude the song from OxT.
Size: 50 x 70 cm.
Support: white paper
Technique: liquid, acrilic
Objective: the main objective of this project was understand the characteristics of the abstract movement.

Draft of the artwork
Size: DINA 4
Support: white paper
Technique: dry, graphit

The music used to make this artwork is Silent Solitude by OxT. What’s more, the style that has been used is lyric abstraction of Vassily Kandinsky.  In order to make this abstract paint I have search the main characteristics of the artworks of Kandinsky. He uses elements that he has seen on the nature. Moreover, the most important concept is to express the feelings of the author and in this case, the emotions of the song. Also it has to be esthetical with the elements, the colours and the composition.
Following this three concepts, I made a black background representing the night. Three circles in the middle reducing their size having the blue circle on the top the purple in the centre, and the smallest, the red in the bottom. In the middle of the paper there is a purple horizontal line that its extension is to the extremes of the sheet of paper. This line represents the horizon that divides the sky and the ground where in one side we have de moon the blue circle and in the other a chain the red circle. In the middle of both sides there’s the man, the purple circle.  These three elements make a chain which means that they are connected no matter what.  In the left bottom there are two bowed lines, one longer than the other with some interconnected red lines which there’s also in the right top. That symbols means the sound which can’t be used.
The whole artwork wants to express a silent night which there’s no sound. The man has a punishment and he suffers. That’s the reason why he wants to not give up despite the fact that he is in a punishment and fight against his unfair punishment.

dissabte, 4 de maig del 2019

Interior mort Exterior viu

Un dels exercicis que més em va agradar fer més és aquest, la combinació del blanc i negre amb el color. Ens van proposar crear un interior en el que es veiés l'exterior.

Representació d'una habitació que dona una vista a la ciutat.
Tamany: 50 x 70 cm.
Suport: Paper blanc
Tècnica: seca carbonet i pastels
Objectiu: realitzar correctament una atmosfera d'una habitació en blanc i negre i colors en el exterior.

Esbós d'una habitació que dona una vista a la ciutat.
Tamany: DINA 4
Suport: Paper blanc
Tècnica: seca grafit

La metamorfosis

Fa un temps ens van proposar el exercici de fer una figura humana canviant de forma a una animal o vegetal.

Representació d'una persona transformant-se en alga.
Tamany: 50x70 cm.
Suport: Paper blanc
Tècnica: seca carbonet 
Objectiu: realitzar correctament una figura humana transformant-se en una altra cosa.

Esbós d'una persona transformant-se en alga.
Tamany: DINA 4
Suport: Paper blanc

Tècnica: seca grafit

Fred calent

El exercici que ens van donar va ser crear un paisatge fred i l'altre calent per axií aprendre a com jugar amb les atmosferes.

 Representació d'una paisatge de muntanya fred.
Tamany: DINA 3
Suport: Paper blanc
Tècnica: seca carbonet 
Objectiu: realitzar correctament una atmosfera d'un paisatge fred.

Representació d'una paisatge de muntanya calent.
Tamany: DINA 3
Suport: Paper blanc
Tècnica: seca carbonet 
Objectiu: realitzar correctament una atmosfera d'un paisatge calent.